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Connecticut is New England's southernmost state. Like other state's in the region, Connecticut's culture is intertwined with its history, location, and natural resources.

The Connecticut River, the longest river in the New England region, flows southward through the mid-section of the state. Rising near the U.S. border with Quebec, Canada, the river runs for more than 400 miles before emptying into Long Island Sound.

New London Ledge Light | credit USCG
In eastern Connecticut, saltwater estuaries influence culture and lifestyle in countless ways. Commercial and recreational fisheries draw people to the water, as do pastimes such as sailing, cruising, and paddlesports.

Along the coast, New London, Old Saybrook, New Haven, Bridgeport, Mystic, and others are popular destinations for day trips, weekend getaways, and summer vacations.

Further Reading

Coastal Connecticut Waterfront Experiences

Government of Connecticut

Connecticut Tourism Information

Connecticut Seafood